Content Move job - Multiple jobs for the same condition
Hello Experts,
We have a situation to quickly release the current storage and use the new storage. We have scheduled Content Move to move documents. We currently have 20M documents and with the current speed, it seems, it will take months to move the documents to the new storage. We have following questions and would like to have your quick response.
1) Can we configure more than one job using the same condition pointing to the same storage?
2) Will there be a conflict if we run more than 1 job?
3) If multiple jobs can run, how many jobs would you recommend to run in parallel?
4) We have two Frontends and 1 Admin Server. Is it possible to run the job specifically to a node?
5) Any other option to increase the speed from the application side would be of great help.
Appreciate your kind support.
Thanks for posting @Raeez , are you using Content Server or Documentum Server? I can move your question to the category where the experts can help out.
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