VIM Workplace Smart Selection not working
Hi all,
I have the following issue when trying to se tup the VIM Workplace Smart Selection:
There is a Selection Criteria Definition customizing setting for the VIM Workplace, via /OPT/SPRO > Cross Component Configuration> VIM Workplace > Define Smart Selections
which has a default <Due date-Selection Criteria> = 040 with the below set default customizing values:
So, as an example, for the today 02/05/2023 date, I have the below invoices data in the VIM Workplace:
But when I tested this smart selection criteria:
I had not results:
Despite the above showed DP# 148 has 31.05.2023 as Due Date.
I got the same result setting other restriction criteria like for example all the overdue invoices:
When in this case it should show me all the DPs with Due Date before today date 02/05/2023 according the above data.
Is there something missing in the customizing settings or in another place to make this functionality work?
Thanking in advance for any help.
Best regards
Joseph Sangoi
After further investigating I found that, as the Due Date is a "Time Based check" criteria, before to use this functionality, it is required to execute the program /OPT/CR_PMC_BS_CHECK to properly update the VIM documents.
/OPT/CR_PMC_BS_CHECK program screen display:
It is required to fill in the proper Smart Selection Criteria, in this case "Due Date" and the VIM Documents numbers to be evaluated.
It can be executed in Test mode by checking the "Simulation Mode" as well to obtain an output of the execution results by ticking the "Display check results"
For a large number of VIM documents it is advisable to execute it in background mode.
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