Create new perspective TYPE for Smart View
Hello, we are thinking about creating our own perspective type. Can SOMEONE share a knowledge what steps are necessary to create one?
Is it neccessary to use oScript?
Can we define only in Smart View?
We want to have one extra above Flow, Left-Center-Right, Our own type
Thank you for any tips :)
Given the complexity of the OT code and CSS here, I suspect it would be a major undertaking, you may be better off doing a single Perspective with a WebReport in there and then including your widgets as sub WRs etc in there.
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Thank you @Greg Griffiths we are going the way of creating new fullscreen widget in Smart View which will contain two (or more) subwidgets. We will do it programatically with Smart View SDK.
On the other hand both of these ways - webreport and Smart View widget are just hacks. The right way is to create the new perspective type and I am very curious if some tried this - with oscript or without. :)
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