SDK Example: adding a new widget in D2 Smart View Landing Page

D2 Smart View SDK example, showing how to add a new tile to launch a widget from the D2 Smart View Landing Page. Note the widget referred too, is also an example packaged in the SDK itself. That widget allows you to administer Group memberships like you could in D2 Classic. We didn't want to bring forward user and group administration in D2 Smart View as product, but we still wanted customers to do this on their own, if they wish, so we provided a sample in the SDK.
We can't add mp4's here, so here is a Core Share link
(partners have access to the root folder of this, but is a direct link to this one)
Kyle Pettit
Documentum D2 Product manager
Can you also provide an example on how to create a custom widget type? Not using one from the existing D2 widget type list?
Thank you!
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@Karel Gentens 2 : So there is sample plugin to check on the custom widget type 'D2SV custom widget type sample'. That will help in a simple hello world sample for custom widgets
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What might have gone wrong when a error like this shows up for D2-AdminGroups plugin, any thoughts?
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Are you using both D2SV 23.2 and SmartView SDK 23.2. There was a bug in the first release of 22.4 that caused UI components not to compile in the jar that caused problems.
The jar must be deployed to the SmartView application server, it can only be debugged with UI components, the dependent service components that are compiled into the plugin jar must be deployed. Ensure all caches are clear just to make sure nothing is being cached from a previous release.
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@Michael McCollough Yes I am using D2SV and SDK of 23.2 version. The jar is deployed in Smartview app server and I guess those dependent service components will be present already in WEB-INF/lib right?Cleared all caches too, still no luck in getting the Widget to work.
To add on this, none of the plugins are working in D2SV SDK after deploying.
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