Interested in the PHI and PII protection in patient data collection challenge?
Patient confidentiality is the utmost important factor when designing healthcare solutions. Protected Health Information (PHI) is a specific type of sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that is collected by a healthcare provider or other covered entity for the provision of healthcare services. This article contains a reference framework
" The “restructured data element” layer constitutes actual data tables in the research data repository. All protected health information in this layer, with the exception of information allowed in Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant limited dates, is either removed or replaced by encrypted values that cannot be linked back to the source data. Additional constructs may be incorporated into this layer to meet specific project needs. Figure 3 presents a logical model of key data tables in the restructured data element layer (lookup tables are not presented). "
Chris Wynder
Chris is a Director of Product Marketing working with our Developer product team and community. He has a wealth of information management knowledge, particularly in highly regulated industries. He shares his deep belief in analysis and taxonomy as the basis of good information governance in his blogs.
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