Developer Hackathon
OpenText Thrust Services hackathon
Green Coding Webinar
Thank you to everyone who tuned in this past Wednesday to watch the Introduction to Green Coding webinar presented by Green Coding Solutions, Arne Tarara - CEO. If you missed it or want to rewatch it, we've uploaded the presentation on YouTube: During this session, Arne introduced a few key concepts that developers will…
Introduction to Sustainability in MedTech
Hacknosis is back and if you've been wondering what sustainability has to do with technology and how it impacts the medical industry, you're not alone. Let's get into it! What is sustainability and how does it apply to technology? Sustainability is not a new concept and the term is broadly used to indicate programs,…
Hacknosis is back!
OpenText is happy to announce our second hackathon, Hacknosis: Sustainable MedTech. This hackathon is about respecting the environment and standing united for the climate by driving sustainable innovation through technology. Sustainable development is the critical point where human, social, environmental, and economic…
PHI and PII protection in patient data collection
One of the 5 challenges for this Hackathon was centred around PHI and PII protection in patient data collection. Why this matters? Patient confidentiality is the utmost important factor when designing healthcare solutions. Protected Health Information (PHI) is a specific type of sensitive Personally Identifiable…
Transforming Information capture
One of the 5 challenges for this Hackathon was centered around embedding accessibility into healthcare solutions Why this matters? Approximately 15% of the global population lives with a disability. Paper records or documents pose the same problem – the lack of digital optimization. When documents or records are added to a…
Embedding accessibility into healthcare solutions
One of the 5 challenges for this Hackathon was centred around embedding accessibility into healthcare solutions Why this matters? Approximately 15% of the global population lives with a disability. Accessibility issues are any barriers that make it difficult or impossible for disabled users to access, navigate, or engage…
Data analysis and presentation in doctor portals
One of the 5 challenges for the Hacknosis was data analysis and presentation in doctor portals. Why does this matter? Healthcare data lakes pose challenges, one of those being how to effectively manage and analyze unstructured data. This requires advanced techniques for text mining, natural language processing and image…
Integration of healthcare and patient information for doctors
One of the 5 challenges for the Hacknosis was the integration of healthcare and patient information for doctors. Why does this matter? As smart devices become more accessible to the public and with the rise of fitness and wellness apps available, patients are owning and tracking their own health data in ways that were not…
H:OPE - Hacknosis: Optimizing Patient Experiences
OpenText's first ever hackathon was a success! Thanks to all of the partners, judges, participants and supporters for their efforts. Why did we choose healthcare? Post pandemic we felt like developing solutions that addressed the unique challenges in healthcare would be a fun way for developers to flex their unique skills…
Congratulations to our Winners and finalists for the Hackathon
We will contact each team leader to handle the payment details and requirements. On behalf of the OpenText Developer team, I really want to thank you. We (and the judges) were truly impressed by all of the submissions. It was hard to define a Top 25, much less to define the Main prize winners With that said, we have…
Hacakthon Top 25
Hi Everyone, Thank you for your patience. We had 5 judges; two technical, one business focused, one hospital readiness and one Clinical Doctor that has a wide set of experiences. Here is the top 25 projects - in no particular order. Prize winners are being finalized by category, winners will be contacted and the…
Submitting your Hackathon solution
For those interested in guidance on how to submit your solutions we created this Google Slide presentation. Please make a copy to help guide your submission.
Interested in the Transforming Information capture challenge
Paper records or documents pose the same problem – the lack of digital optimization. When documents or records are added to a system of record, it lacks of usable data that can be utilized for further analysis. Take blood tests for example, when uploaded it lacks of metadata. Imagine if you could turn the results of a…
The Embedding accessibility into healthcare solutions challenge?
Approximately 15% of the global population lives with a disability. Accessibility issues are any barriers that make it difficult or impossible for disabled users to access, navigate, or engage with digital content. Web accessibility issues are only the tip of the spear when it comes to addressing digital accessibility…
Interested in the PHI and PII protection in patient data collection challenge?
Patient confidentiality is the utmost important factor when designing healthcare solutions. Protected Health Information (PHI) is a specific type of sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII) that is collected by a healthcare provider or other covered entity for the provision of healthcare services.…
Interested in creating a solution for: Data analysis and presentation in doctor portals challenge
Have questions or need an idea for this challenge? Here is Statement on what the solution needs Doctors need simple; they don’t need all the information at once! They need something scannable that highlights what’s important for that patient at this time. They have 15 minutes with the patient to make a decision that will…
Interested in the Integration of healthcare and patient information for doctors challenge
Patients are collecting data on their eating habits, fitness regimes, and if they have smart medical devices (such as Continuous Glucose Monitoring devices), this data can be shared with their healthcare providers. Enabling patients to share this information with their doctors could facilitate fewer visits, customized…
Reminder: The Capture Service demo app and tutorial are available
Just a reminder that video walk through, Code used in the video and a step-by-step guide are available.
Healthcare specific resources- data management structures, data sources for healthcare data
Here are a set of resources that will help developers understand the Healthcare customer mindset, which will help you develop your solutions for judging. We have also added potential databases and how data is typically structrured in healthcare. Where Developers can create products in healthcare Applied Digital Plumbing or…
Welcome to the OpenText Developer Community Hackanosisers!
Welcome Hackathon participants! This forum is designed for you to get help on questions that come up as you work on your submissions. First some housekeeping: I would bet that most of what you are going to ask about- has already been answered in one of the other parts of the OpenText Developer Community. Please check the…