Issue with RESTCLIENT tag in SubWorkflow WebReport
Hi Everyone,
I have an issue with a WebReport using RESTCLIENT to send data to an non-CS application. The WebReport is in a subworkflow. The subworkflow is initiated from a main workflow, just after a process step.
The odd thing is, the data transfers fine if I run the webreport manually from the workflow status page; the data transfers fine if I include a user step at the beginning of the subworkflow, just prior to the webreport step with restclient tag. When the webreport step runs immediately after the subworkflow is initiated, the updates are not occurring in the other application. I tried putting a process step at the beginning of subworkflow with execute via agent - just to hold it up a few minutes, and this does not help. It only works when there is a user step just prior to the webreport step.
This does not happen in our dev environment (the data is transferred as expected); it only happens in prod (of course). I put some debugging in the script to write to a log file to ensure the webreport is running - it is. It's just the restclient tag that is failing.
Any thoughts (big or small) would be greatly appreciated!!
After some additional debugging, have determined the issue is not with the restclient tag; it is with the retrieval of form data in the subworkflow. All good!!!!
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