We are utilizing eDOCS/API vers 16.7.2 When add documents via Rest API, file created as zero bytes
I have a java program that is utilizing the eDOCS API vers 16.7.2, when uploading a file via Swagger it works fine and the document is created successfully, it is unlocked (no red mark on thumbnail) and its not zero bytes. However, when I attempt to add a document via my java class, the document is created, however the thumbnail displays a red checkmark (locked) and the file itself (tiff or PDF) is zero bytes. If anyone has run into this or can tell me also why Posting a document via Swagger works and appears "checked in" while posting it via my java class its not checked in and its a zero byte file, I would appreciate the help. I should note trying to add the file via Postman I get the same issue, it only works via Swagger..
It’s interesting that uploading via Swagger works as expected, but when using your Java class or Postman, the document appears locked and is zero bytes. You can troubleshoot this: Authentication and Permissions:
Ensure that your Java program and Postman are using the same authentication as Swagger. Permissions might differ, affecting the document state. Content Encoding: When posting via your Java class or Postman, check the content encoding (e.g., UTF-8) to ensure it matches what Swagger uses. Headers and Metadata: Compare the headers and metadata sent by Swagger with those in your Java class or Postman requests. Any missing or incorrect headers could cause issues.Best Regard
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