OpenText World 2023 - focusing on Developers!

Chris_Wynder Moderator, E mod
edited August 30, 2023 in Developer Announcements #1

BYOS (build your own solution) at OpenText World 2023

At OpenText™ World 2023 in Las Vegas, we’re focusing on APIs and Developers.  Join us as we connect the dots between our technical roadmap for OpenText Cloud Platform (OCP) and how you can create and execute your go-to-market strategy. OpenText developers and customers will share their real-world experiences with you on how OCP and our information management APIs can increase the value of your products. 

If six dedicated API/Developer sessions and 131 sessions related to APIs and integrations aren’t enough, you simply have to sign up for the Developer Lab – with a collection of nine sandboxes to play in, build, and bring your ideas to life. 


Join us at OpenText World 2023 

Explore the future of the API Developer at the ultimate information management conference. Join us October 11-12 at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas and connect with today’s leading experts.  

Chris Wynder

Chris is a Director of Product Marketing working with our Developer product team and community. He has a wealth of information management knowledge, particularly in highly regulated industries. He shares his deep belief in analysis and taxonomy as the basis of good information governance in his blogs.   
