How to directly access the OT2 Markup Service?

This question is in reference to this Viewing Service API Document.
The doc says: "Your integration does not typically have to interact directly with the Markup Service because the viewer's markup API below almost certainly does everything you need."
However, I have a requirement where I want to do "headless" modifications to the markup data for a document. That is, I don't want to open the OT2 Viewer to modify the markup data. For this, I need to interact with the Markup Service directly via REST calls, just like how the rest of the OT2 services are served. How do I do this?
Essentially, I am looking for some services like these:
- GET /markup/document-identifier - This should return all the existing markup IDs for a document.
- GET /markup/document-identifier/markup-identifier - This should return the markup XML for the given document and markup ID.
- POST /markup/document-identifier/markup-identifier - The body of the request should have a markup XML that I want to set for the document.
Best Answers
The markup service uses a GraphQL API; you should be able to perform the desired actions through it.A couple of GrapQL query bodies as examples:
Query just the markup IDs:
"operationName": null,
"query": "query ($source: String!) {markups(source: $source, includeDeleted: false) {id}}",
"variables": {
"source": "<the source value used to save the markups>"
Query the IDs and other things, including tags:
"operationName": null,
"query": "query ($source: String!) {markups(source: $source, includeDeleted: false) {id type tags { name value }}}",
"variables": {
"source": "<the source value used to save the markups>"
One important note:
The GraphQL mutation (markup creation/update) implements a destructive update methodology; whenever the mutation is called, the request body must include the full markup JSON object, not just a subset of updated properties.
Also, the markup data is JSON, not XML.
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Can someone please help? Thanks!
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The markup service uses a GraphQL API; you should be able to perform the desired actions through it.A couple of GrapQL query bodies as examples:
Query just the markup IDs:
"operationName": null,
"query": "query ($source: String!) {markups(source: $source, includeDeleted: false) {id}}",
"variables": {
"source": "<the source value used to save the markups>"
Query the IDs and other things, including tags:
"operationName": null,
"query": "query ($source: String!) {markups(source: $source, includeDeleted: false) {id type tags { name value }}}",
"variables": {
"source": "<the source value used to save the markups>"
One important note:
The GraphQL mutation (markup creation/update) implements a destructive update methodology; whenever the mutation is called, the request body must include the full markup JSON object, not just a subset of updated properties.
Also, the markup data is JSON, not XML.
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Hi @Edgar Rodriguez,
Thanks for the reply.
Can you please provide the endpoint I need to contact to execute the GraphQL requests? I had already asked a similar question in this post. But I haven't got any reply to it yet.
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Thank You, @Edgar Rodriguez.
Can you also please look into this question:
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