Host Explorer Print services spools output to multiple print jobs instead of just one.
We've recently implemented Open Text Host Explorer (Hummingbird) and use Print Services to retrieve anything sent to the print by our mainframe TN3270 sessions. Some of the items we are printing are quite large (by our standards anyway) and we've noticed on viewing the printer queues that opentext seems to be splitting the output into separate print jobs that it sends to the printer. It looks like it's splitting it up on possible page breaks.
We need it to just send it to the printer as 1 print job not 2 or more. Due to way we are billed we get billed by the jobs we send to the printer, not the pages it prints out so this has increased our bill by at least 100%. How do we stop this splitting from happening. We've tried altering the default paper size on the printer & the properties on the sessions. We've tried altering the Paper type, The printer type. We've also tried altering the number of columns and rows. Nothing seems to make any difference.
Can you please advise.
Thanks for posting Paul. Questions for HostExplorer can be posted in My Support so that our Support representatives can help. The Developer community may not have any expertise in this product line.
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