Introduction to OpenText API
Hello, I'm totally new to OpenText and a bit in the dark on how to implement my functionallity.
We're building a webApp which contains work items. A single work item can have multiple documents, which we will store on OpenText, using API.
On the creation of a new work item we will also create a Workspace, with specific meta information. Like an expiration date.
We will upload documents from the webApp into the Workspace of the related work item using the API. The documents will not be updated, and OpenText is used for long term storage.
In the webApp we will show a list of available documents in the related workspace.
If the user needs to manage the documents, we will redirect the user to the OpenText content server Workspace.
Is this feasible?
Is a Workspace the correct container for this?
Sounds like a valid use case for a Connected Workspace, although as always there are a few other possible candidates that could deliver what you need based on the high level post here.
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