E-Mail-Folder SMARTVIEW: How to show attachments?
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seems to be the solution offered at the moment. Otherwise you would need to customise the SmartUI to add the functionality in.
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You can a FR about it, if you want to see it in the product. Otherwise it's possible to implement it using the Smart UI SDK and CS Server SDK.
Instead of a column, you'd probably want an additional icon in the node state column, performing some action when the user clicks on it. You can have a look at an example at samples/cells/node.state/recently.modified. In addition you'd implement a CSNodeField to return the attachment information about an e-mail, which the state icon implementation would use. There're are quite a few state icons available OOTB or from PS. You can look for extensions of csui/controls/table/cells/node.state/node.state.icons in the SDK.
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Sending emails with one or more picture attachments is problematic for me. @retro bowl
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Do you have the Module Suite?
With it, I've implemented a custom action that shows a sidebar with the email preview and the list of attachments. It's simple, quick to do, and moreover, you can reuse it for any project by attaching the action to the email subtype.
This way, you can have the preview in the smart UI without having to download it (which the Smart view forces you to do if you click on the email object).
Additionally, you have all the information in the same view without having to load new pages.See here:
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If alternatively, it is sufficient to just have a column indicating the number of attachments (if present) you can use the Module Suite to add a column by configuring it in the content script Volume (CSColumns).
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