Exstream CN basic question
Hi all,
We are looking into implementing our current solution into Exstream Cloud Native.
Our current solution is build on Communication Builder service, where we have one StoryTeller process exposed to StoryBoard and here we have created 200+ Themes which all have a Theme rule when to be triggered. The value which decide the Theme rule is coming from inputdata. All input data is delivered within one channel (HTTPS), one input = one output document
We know that Exstream CN work differently, but our goal is to do something similar as above, and to reuse both design elements and content across all, which should aim to have one basic design with the content placeholders, just like the StoryTeller and reuse this into many content Authors/communications. We want to reuse textfragments with and without merged data fields.
Bare with me if the naming is not quite correct for the Exstream CN world, but I hope you understand.
So I have some questions that I like to hear your opinion or guidance about:
- How would you distingue the different document context, I don't whant to have all in one communication or group rules within Content Author. I like the idea of the current solution Theme where I can make changes to one Theme without making changes to another.
- How can I select which Content Author/Communication to be triggered when the value of decision is coming from the input data (could properly also be available within the https header if needed)?
- How would you build up your content, we have mostly text and images and lists which we want to reuse between documents context.
We are current working on latest Exstream CN version.
Hope to hear from some people who have some ideas, please :)
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