We recently switched from Streamserve CF4 to the ExSteam 16.6 release.
Although the migrated projects are working, when I go to generate an export I get the following error on some fonts:
Warning W1043: A corresponding file could not be found for the following font: "noto_sans_bold_underline". This might be OK as a keyword for certain drivers (e.g. the Text driver).
Usually, when I need to use a particular font I follow these steps:
- I install it on my PC (Windows) for all users
- I open the resource set of an ExStream project
- I import the newly installed font
- I write down the name of the resource (example: NotoSans-Bold.ttf)
- I modify the font mapping table by adding the 2 lines (1 for the normal font and 1 for the underline versione of the font):
Font "Noto_Sans_Bold" ReadFont "NotoSans-Bold.ttf" SelectPrefix "Noto Sans" Bold Codepage "Ansi" FontEmbed
Font "Noto_Sans_Bold_Underline" ReadFont "NotoSans-Bold.ttf" SelectPrefix "Noto Sans" Bold Underline Codepage "Ansi" FontEmbed
and then I indicated this table in the platform.
Now, to this day I have never had any problems with this method.
Now the W1043 warning is generated but I don't understand the reason given that the fonts indicated in the warning are all imported into the project and declared.
Thank you