How to decrypt a 'SIP Package' after it has been exported by executing a 'Rebuild SIP' on a Package
In InfoArchive it is possible to perform a 'Rebuild SIP' on a 'Package', either via the UI or via an API call.
However, when the 'Package' has been encrypted in InfoArchive, this results in a 'SIP Package' being encrypted as well. Because of this, it is not possible to ingest the 'SIP Package' in a new InfoArchive environment.
Is there a way to perform a 'Rebuild SIP' that results in a decrypted 'SIP Package'? Or perform a 'decrypt' after the 'Rebuild SIP' has been done?
Yes, I've encountered the same issue with encrypted SIP packages in InfoArchive. To work around this, you might consider checking if there’s an option in your deployment to perform decryption as part of the export process. Alternatively, reaching out to support for guidance on decryption post-rebuild might be helpful, as they sometimes offer custom solutions for these cases.
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