Opentext Webreport Trigger functionality
Is it possible to get the user/performer who initiated the trigger even.
Could you please help me which tag should be used.
there doesnt seem to be a specific trigger tag for this, what does [LL_REPTAG_USERID /] give you ? in some cases you may be better using [LL_REPTAG_ACTUALUSERID /] if your trigger is caused by a scheduled WR
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It is not a scheduled webreport. The trigger webreport will run and do action only when there is any modification in category of a document.
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For scheduled WR I meant the cause of the trigger being fired, e.g. A scheduled WR moves files from FolderA to FolderB as an archive if the createdate on the file is over a year ago, in this case a WRTrigger would fire for each document being moved by the scheduled WR if appropriate.
Inside the WR Ttigger itself you may need to separate the value of USERID and ACTUALUSERID as defined in the WR TagGuide if that scenario is applicable.
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