Project generator version 23.4.
Hello community,
I am trying to find a SDK for Smart View to create a new project for version 23.4. I am not able to find it anywhere. Where is the hidden location that needs to be discovered?
I am currently searching for a Smart View project generator that could be downloaded here for the version 22.3. But in the parent folder no folder for 23.4 can be found.
Please - what is the location where we can find Smart UI SDK with generators for creating new projects?
Not sure if it will help but if you install the System Center on a simple Windows computer the same interface used to download the software now serves SDK products as well. I downloaded CSIDE recently using that.OT is going to kill the Livelink(Content server) for people to find useful things and shifting to the monstrous service now library that is my theory as I spent countless hours trying to find anything useful at the service now interface :).Eat your own dog food doesn't seem to be the thing here …
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Thank you, can you provide a link ?
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If you have never used SC I would advise you to attend a webinar on how to use it that will be helpful as it is somewhat all over the place :).To get it one needs a paying account with KB. Here's how I found it for you now.I click the Knowledge/Software downloads . Then I click the Facet on the Product. If you now put it on a decent Windows computer you will after doing all the pre reqs click on its catalog and when you reach Content Server you will see the SDK.
Quick cheat sheet System Center manager is the one-stop shop for all your OT software
Agents are the ones that you install on machines running OT software so you can install and patch
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Sorry but I do not understand why we are talking about system center when I need a project generator for Smart View project version 23.4 . These information are not relevant to my question. I have been to knowledge base and did not find the files there. Sorry
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The SDK release 23.4 can be found here
For the future releases you can visit simply this link and choose version in a filter
It is the Extended ECM and Extended ECM Platform filter0 -
Hi Vit,
Actually, System Center is relevant here as Appu points out - and I for one would like to thank Appu for just making my life that much easier 😃
You can actually use System Center to directly download the Content Suite SDK including the Smart View components.
In System Center, open the Catalog of products, find the Content Server SDK version and select. The right pane will now list the varying SDK components (i.e. CSIDE, documentation, Obuild and Smart View). The Smart View option then has sub-options to retrieve a ZIP (I assume all bits), the Style Override Kit, the CSUI Generator (the bit you're after) and the documentation.
Of course be sure to update the manifest in System Center if version you're looking for doesn't appear. Note that this also doesn't mean if its not shown it's not available - obviously there can be lag between OT releasing the SDK and the manifest for SC being updated!
Much easier this way that having to muddle way through the Support Portal.
Well done Appu for enlightening us all!
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@David Henshaw if only they would give us the Documentation through SC as well :) Well for SDK they have it but what I meant is if I were installing OT IV findings its documentation is so contorted and cruel:)
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Thank you guys, now it make sense :) sorry for my previous ignorance RESOLVED
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@David Henshaw look at that the Documentation is now built-in SC
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We have discovered that Smart View project generator and SDK are missing the cssvui module - that is why it is not possible work with the version properly. As a workaround we have used the 24.1. version also for 23.4. projects and it seems it is working well
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