New Developer Community enhancements
Karen Weir
E Community Administrator
New! We have updated discussion layouts, added helpful navigation, improved category displays, and much more.
What's New:
Community site navigation
- Quick Links have been added to the site header to make it easier to find popular links, personal views, and helpful tips.
My Followed Categories
- We have improved the layout of the categories page to separate the list with Followed and All.
- This layout makes it much easier to add or remove categories from your "Followed" list.
this post
to understand the benefits of "Following" categories)
Recent Posts in my Followed Categories
We introduced this option to make it easier to review all new posts or comments made in the categories you follow.
- You can easily change this view from "Following" to see "All" posts and comments from All product categories:
Sort and Filter
The new layout includes the option to Sort and Filter the posts.
The 'Sort by' option includes:
- Recently Commented: just as it sounds, it will sort the list based on comments added to posts
- Recently Created: this will sort the list based on newest posts
- Top: This option will show posts with the most positive reactions (ie. number of 'likes')
- Trending: This will sort based on a combination of reactions and comments
- Oldest: You guessed it, this will reverse the order - showing oldest post first
Category layout improvements
- All Categories
- 122 Developer Announcements
- 54 Articles
- 151 General Questions
- 148 Thrust Services
- 56 OpenText Hackathon
- 37 Developer Tools
- 20.6K Analytics
- 4.2K AppWorks
- 9K Extended ECM
- 918 Cloud Fax and Notifications
- 84 Digital Asset Management
- 9.4K Documentum
- 31 eDOCS
- 186 Exstream
- 39.8K TeamSite
- 1.7K Web Experience Management
- 7 XM Fax
- Follow Categories