How to make Eclipse working more predictable?
Hi, everybody. Please help me to configure Eclipse to work CSIDE plugin properly. I'm experiencing some problem when Eclipse does not start building the project. I tried to disable automaking projects and etc. Nothing help to me to force Eclipse to rebuild OScript code when I pick menu item "Build All". Please if anybody at all had the same problem to help me.
Well if it is a simple enough module , you can back it out and it should work.
Here's how many of us who do it in CSIDE work
- Create module with trimmings of ini etc
- make sure it gets installed etc/uninstalled
- make customary "hello world" kind of tests
- I then call this OLL golden so if my project had a mymodule.oll i will stop everything and make a module copy called mymodule.oll.golden(this is for me to get back to a working system)
- Many times as developers we fat finger, make incorrect code, etc but when the CSIDE/Livelink starts up it reads the installed ospaces, if the module that you are working on has errors as in compilation, the startup won't complete,that is why removing the corrupt module makes it work.
- Manual uninstalling is needed at this stage which involves commenting out the module lines in opentext.ini and removing the half-cooked module as the RH ?admin.uninstallmodule wont jive at this time.
You also can work with OT support, look for .dmp files send it to them, and work like that.OT now has a lot of bells and whistles added like CI/CD with Obuild but I am just an occasional oscripter nowadays so I resort to my homegrown methods.
Usually great guys like you will probably rescue you if your build is not something you want to start from scratch…
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Quick question - are you running Content Server through CSIDE when you try to build stuff?
CSIDE depends on the server for compiling things - if CSIDE doesn't have a running server you'll see nothing happen when building is attempted.
If that's not the case, and if Appu's tips above don't help: feel free to post what you see in Eclipse's "error" view:
@siegel: vi is an editor with two modes: one which destroys your input and the other which beeps at you
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