Possibility to save document directly to my workspace



Hello, while working in a third party application I want to save files directly to my workspace.
Is there a default directory that Enterprise Connect Workspace creates in local machine ? If so, to save a file directory to it, is there any rule or directory that is needed to follow ?



  • there is an EC forum at https://support.opentext.com/community?id=community_forum&sys_id=a47776761b4a05509b6987b7624bcb59 which may help you get the answers you need.

  • Hi Peter,

    Depending on scenario specifics, there may be three options available to you.

    1. If the 3rd party application provides a Save As dialog that interfaces to the native OS's disk explorer (e.g. Windows Explorer), then you may be able to register the details of the 3rd party application such that Enterprise Connect will effectively be available in the Save As dialog. This is known as Extended Integration in the Enterprise Connect venacular and is as I recall documented in the EC install/config guides. Basically you register the 3rd party application's executable details for EC to recognise. This won't default to the user's personal workspace, but will give them the option of where to save to in the systems (eg. Content Suite/xECM) that are registered with EC.
    2. Next option - the Enterprise Connect SDK. Depending on the 3rd party application and access to code etc, you may be able to integrate this way.
    3. Skip EC all together. Again like 2 above, if you have access to the 3rd party app code, you could use Content Web Services (assuming you're using Content Suite/xECM) to create documents directly in the target system. A bit more involved but done often enough by others on these forums :)

    To your specific question - there's no "documented" folder on the PC side that EC will "sync" to a specific location on a target. Additionally, you'd potentially have to address any caching controls, control files etc that EC automatically creates when used. Additionally, those locations may not be same from PC to PC (e.g. 32 vs 64 bit OS, specific EC cache locations that can be set etc) - though these may not be a factor depending on how you manage your PC fleet. Either way, I'd steer clear of trying to reverse engineer how EC manages its cache and synchronisation process for support reasons and look at "sanctioned" approaches such as above.




  • excellent, as always updates, from @David Henshaw for point 3, I would look to use REST going forward rather than WebServices, even if from the server side as OT have reduced support etc for their CWS aspect and recommend REST.

  • appuq

    ShinyDocs who is an OT partner also markets an integration into File systems of any yore, it is not free nor cheap but a clean integration.