Guest blog - How OpenText APIs are helping to lift development efficiency by 25%
Exploring OpenText Cloud Platform Services
Excerpt from OpenText Blogs:
When the first beta of OpenText Cloud Platform Services launched, we had already been a member of the OpenText Solution Extension Program for some time. OpenText invited us and other members of the program to try out the new APIs at a hackathon competition at OpenText World.
The rules for the hackathon were simple: use OpenText APIs to build an application or extension as quickly as possible. The hackathon event really highlighted for us just how intuitive, versatile and easy-to-use the new APIs are. OpenText has put a great deal of effort into documenting and building training resources for OpenText Cloud Platform Services, and it shows—the platform is extremely intuitive.
Just an hour and a half into the hackathon, we successfully completed our app—and took home first prize for the event. From then on, we were confident that OpenText Cloud Platform Services was going to be a game-changer for our development process.
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