We have Exstream Application, with Sorting enabled (2 Pass Application) producing AFP outputs. Current Design has default layer (Langauge layer is not used) with separate documents for English and French statements which were triggered based on the Language Indcicator in the Input Driver file.
We have new requirement to bundle and combine both English and French Statements for the specific customers in the Driver file. We have both English and French statement as seperate customer record and processed in Exstream Batch. To achieve the bundling of output, I was planning to use below Design, please check and update/correct points.
1.Send the Customer key field and the language Indicator in the Sort Index file.
2.External Application to sort the Sort Index file based on the Key field, then match the key field of the records and update the Same Bundle ID for matching records and unique Bundle ID for rest of the other records.
3. Use (Map) the Bundle Id of Sort Index file in the pre-sort Output Queue (control variable under Bundling in 'Sorting and Bundling' tab) of Output Queue.