OTCS REST API Upload Failed for Files Larger than 500mb
Ong CY
E Member
I am developing a custom program using C#, consuming OTCS REST API. The OTCS version running is 22.4 and I am usinfg REST Sharp to call the API. There are instances that when the user is uploading files greater than 500MB, I wlll not get a HTTP success message with a node ID returned. Instead, a non JSON message or a NULL message is returned.
In the trace log nothing was reflected and we were puzzled what went wrong. There were instances where a series of files between 100MB to 400 MB were successfully uploaded, but when it reaches the 500MB file the error occur.
Any tips or idea how I can overcome this issue.
You may also want to check your web server configuration, and see if there is a limit on the body size.
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