The following API versions are available:
- CSS version 3 (CSSv3) supports parallel upload or download of your content in parts and allows CSS to be used independently or in conjunction with CMS.
- CSS version 2 (CSSv2) must be used in conjunction with CMS for managing the content. Support for CSSv2 API will be available for some time but it is advised to move to CSSv3.
CSSv3 enhances native content storage capabilities for developers on OpenText Cloud Platform (OCP) and introduces advanced features that cater to diverse business needs and functionality.
The following capabilities are supported by CSSv3:
- Parallel file transfer and chunking: enables concurrent transfer of multiple file segments, resulting in faster performance, and an overall experience of uploading and maintaining large files. The file upload process is optimized by using the files API endpoint mechanism to re-upload only the failed parts. This is ideal for reliably uploading data, regardless of network conditions.
- Simple standalone use: with v3, you can continue to use CSS in conjunction with CMS but are not required to do so.
Support for CSSv2 API will be available for some time but it is advised to move to CSSv3.