Ppentext put api of permissions of owner's in not working giving invalid permissions error?
Hello Everyone,
While I'm trying to change the Owner of a particular folder using below api Using POSTMAN, getting below error msg:
{ "error": "One or more parameters are invalid"}
API: api/v2/nodes/{nodeid}/permissions/owner
Will you please let me know how can I pass the parameters so that it can Change the Owner and permissions of particular folder?
Note: Authenticating using Admin User.
Ritikraj Singh,
if you used Classic UI and went to the Permissions stuff can you do that or in smartUI?
What are you trying to say when you do permissions is [] ? are you trying to make owner permissions to nil or remove the owner? perhaps it may give you a clue to what you need to do
are you reading these api docs correctly? It says like this
NOTE: This can only be done using the 'body' parameter (see the [IMPLEMENTATION NOTES]).
The body parameter is not the same as what you see Body in the POSTMAN tab…
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Hello Appu,
I have gone through one of your forums discussions, and I found out how to pass the parameter in API.
Thanks for your Support!!
Ritikraj Singh
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