About XM Fax
XM Fax is an enterprise-grade digital fax solution, offering businesses of all sizes the features and functionality to keep communications flowing. XM Fax is available in three on-premises editions, in the cloud or as a hybrid deployment.
Fax remains an essential tool for conveying sensitive information, especially for organizations in healthcare, government, education, and finance. As a document communications medium, it delivers security, convenience, and near-universal reach. Replacing traditional fax with a digital fax solution reduces costs, streamlines workflows, and facilitates easier regulatory compliance. XM Fax comes with security built into the solution from the ground up, helping to support compliance standard requirements.
With XM Fax, employees can easily and securely fax from their workstations, email, business applications, mobile devices, or multi-function printers (MFPs), integrating with and streamlining workflows across the organization.
The XM Fax SOAP Web Services provide access to several features of the fax server to integrate them into custom applications.
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