REST API request
we have a problem with a self-written REST call, which works without problems under Tomcat as WebServer for the Content Server, but not with IIS.
Using the extended IIS logging, we can see that the request arrives in full (including the file), but this file and other metadata is truncated in the CGI log of the CS.
Does anybody know this highlighted error message "Darn we just ate these two chars"?
Thanks and kind regards,
Alexander Zengeler
I have a simple Java file with which I fake a REST API call that works very well with IIS. What is the client being used in your approach what programming file…I just used the Postman code generator and Fiddler to develop that and learned that it is a form multipart submit …I stayed away from high-level packages and went with simple POJO because I had to integrate my code with another huge enterprise app(Maximo from IBM) that did not like or I do not know how to interface high-level packages. If you want I can share the java file and you can test it. In my Java code you will see Java gurus saying something about \r\n and I have marked that as if you do not know this don't touch it :) Just sent me a request on my LinkedIn profile if you want to see that file
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Ensure that the request encoding is set correctly on the IIS server. Sometimes IIS can have issues with certain character encodings, which may lead to truncation of the request data.
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if you have access to the Eclipse SDK then you can search for the message or its property file equiverlant and see where its being called.
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