OpenText InfoArchive CE21.2 - Bulk Data Export for SIP packages out from xdb
Hi all, does anyone know in InfoArchive CE21.2, what is the possibility to perform the bulk/full data extraction for a SIP application without using the search form? Thanks
Hello, @Lee CS
In InfoArchive CE21.2, you can perform bulk/full data extraction for a SIP application without using the search form by using the Data Export feature. Here’s a short guide:
Use REST API: InfoArchive provides REST APIs that allow for bulk data extraction. You can script the extraction process by calling these APIs.Data Extraction Tool: Utilize the built-in data extraction tools or scripts provided by InfoArchive for exporting data.Database Access: Directly access the database if allowed and extract data using SQL queries.Check the InfoArchive documentation for detailed instructions and ensure you have the necessary permissions to perform these actions.
I hope it may be helpful for you
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