How go export date created in a specific criteria using CS Object exporter

We have a scenario where we need to export documents created by specific user during specific year which are scattered across multiple folders in Content Server.

While I understand, Exporter control file <location> tage takes the path of specific folder where the document that need to be migrated, might exist.

If the documents are scattered across multiple folders, how can I user CS Object exporter to export the documents.

Can I extend Object Exporter module and develop custom module to achieve this?

Thanks & Regards,


Best Answers

  • Jacopo
    Jacopo Member
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hi Ganesh,

    You can certainly create a new module that extends the functionalities of the Object Explorer to modify how it handles export and import operations. You need to check which objects can be extended using OScript in the specific module, create an orphan, and modify its behavior accordingly.

    If you have the Module Suite, this would only require a few lines of code. You could create a Content Script that exports selected objects or objects returned from any search criteria (a query, the presence of a category, classification, or anything else) along with their metadata. Then, with a few more lines of Groovy code within a Content Script, you can read the previously exported data and import it, applying the taxonomy saved during the export phase.

    Additionally, you can leverage the distributed agent with the Content Scripts if the number of objects is significant and you want to distribute the load across multiple workers or servers.

    If the two instances are accessible to each other, I wouldn't even go through the file system and export process. Instead, I would have one instance interact with the other via REST APIs. This can be achieved by writing a Content Script that pushes the data to the other instance. On the receiving end, I would utilize either standard APIs or a custom API created with Module Suite. This custom API would provide a single entry point and handle the business logic for saving data into the new system. I've used this approach effectively during complete instance migrations.

    -Jacopo Malnati

  • David Henshaw
    David Henshaw Member
    #3 Answer ✓

    Hi Ganesh,

    Fastman's Content Extractor provides an out-of-box means, no coding option that would meet your requirement.

    Content Extractor allows you to use a standard search in Content Suite and then to export the matched documents to a network/local drive, including relevant folder structure, navigable index file and also metadata about each object.

    The fact that the location of the documents is "spread out" isn't an issue - we'll extract whatever the search results return, irrespective of location.

    Please feel free to reach out if you'd like further information or demo.




  • Yes I once created an oscript module that read a collection and printed its output using OE code . I also did a program to export emails ( both compound and ordinary) . If getting content and metadata is the real need and re importing them in another CS is not needed OOB collections has an export function that can give you the document. No code needs to be written
  • Jacopo
    Jacopo Member
    #5 Answer ✓

    Hi Ganesh,

    You can certainly create a new module that extends the functionalities of the Object Explorer to modify how it handles export and import operations. You need to check which objects can be extended using OScript in the specific module, create an orphan, and modify its behavior accordingly.

    If you have the Module Suite, this would only require a few lines of code. You could create a Content Script that exports selected objects or objects returned from any search criteria (a query, the presence of a category, classification, or anything else) along with their metadata. Then, with a few more lines of Groovy code within a Content Script, you can read the previously exported data and import it, applying the taxonomy saved during the export phase.

    Additionally, you can leverage the distributed agent with the Content Scripts if the number of objects is significant and you want to distribute the load across multiple workers or servers.

    If the two instances are accessible to each other, I wouldn't even go through the file system and export process. Instead, I would have one instance interact with the other via REST APIs. This can be achieved by writing a Content Script that pushes the data to the other instance. On the receiving end, I would utilize either standard APIs or a custom API created with Module Suite. This custom API would provide a single entry point and handle the business logic for saving data into the new system. I've used this approach effectively during complete instance migrations.

    -Jacopo Malnati

  • Thanks a lot, Jacopo for providing multiple options.

  • David Henshaw
    David Henshaw Member
    #7 Answer ✓

    Hi Ganesh,

    Fastman's Content Extractor provides an out-of-box means, no coding option that would meet your requirement.

    Content Extractor allows you to use a standard search in Content Suite and then to export the matched documents to a network/local drive, including relevant folder structure, navigable index file and also metadata about each object.

    The fact that the location of the documents is "spread out" isn't an issue - we'll extract whatever the search results return, irrespective of location.

    Please feel free to reach out if you'd like further information or demo.



  • Thank you, David for sharing the details related to Content Extractor.

    As the volume is low, for now we are planning to go ahead with Object Exporter or REST API.