401 Authentication Error When Trying to Send Emails using Cloud Messaging with Basic Authentication

Hi All,
I am able to successfully send emails using OpenText Cloud (POST /mra/v1/outbound/emails) -
However, when I try the same request using Cloud Messaging (POST /mra/v1/outbound/emails) -
I end up getting a 401 response with the following error:{
"error_code": "2909",
"error_message": "Authentication Error"
I am assuming it has something to do with my credentials. I am authenticating with HTTP Basic Authentication using my email (geovanni AT emailelment.com) and password, the same credentials I use to login.
I was following the start guide located on the forums (Quick start guide for cloud fax and notifications trial subscribers — OpenText - Forums).
Geovanni G
There are different endpoints mentioned in the link. One points to PreProd and another is Prod. For accessing two different link you need two different accounts. If the accounts are used correctly in respective domains, then authentication issues will come. Please contact sales team in getting the access for respective links
Prabhakaran R
OpenText1 -
Hi Prabhakaran,
Thank you for getting back to me. Yes, we currently have a PreProd / trial account and are working with an Account Development Executive during our trial period.We have been able to send emails on our PreProd account using OpenText Cloud. However, when trying to send emails using Cloud Messaging (PreProd environment), we get the 401 error mentioned above.
From our understanding, there are two notification systems: OpenText Cloud & Cloud Messaging. OpenText Cloud only supports OAuth2, while Cloud Messaging supports OAuth2 & Basic Auth. When using our credentials via Basic Auth to send emails on Cloud Messaging, we get a 401 error.
Our question is, do we need different credentials to access each notification system?
Geovanni G.0 -
Hi Geovanni
Let me make some things clear.
The below link is for sending faxes
The below link is for sending email and sms.
Both links uses below end points for submitting fax,email and sms. There are two environments, PreProd and Prod
https://t2api.us.cloudmessaging.opentext.com is for PreProd Environment
https://api.us.cloudmessaging.opentex.com is for Production Environment
We need different credentials for the above two different environment(PreProd and Production) not for two different authentications.
The below page also has different links
For PreProd/ Test2.
and for Production
PreProd credentials can be used to login to
and send request to https://t2api.us.cloudmessaging.opentext.com/ endpointProd credentials can be used to login to
and send request to https://api.us.cloudmessaging.opentex.comIf we have access to only PreProd Environment, contact sales to get credentials for Prod environment. With Prod credentials you can get clientid and secret from Prod Portal and use it submit jobs to Prod endpoint using OAuth. Same Prod credentials can be used for Basic Auth and OAuth also
Prabhakaran R
OpenText0 -
Hi Prabhakaran,
Thank you for providing further clarification.
So far, we have not been given access to MyPortal .The way we were able to send emails was by creating an App in the Admin Center (
) and by calling this exact endpoint ( ).
However, this did not suit our use case and we would prefer to use MyPortal with the endpoint located here ( ).
The credentials in Admin Center do not seem to work for MyPortal. Is this correct? Do we need to reach out to sales to gain additional access?
Thanks,Geovanni G.
0 -
Yes Please reach out to sales for the access
Prabhakaran R
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