Can we connect a Business Object at SAP C4C at Installation Point with OpenText Content server
Hi Expert,
Good morning.
Can we connect a Business Object at SAP C4C at Installation Point with OpenText Content server? If Yes, Could you please provide any URL/documentation for this ?
No idea . Extended ECM is a loosely coupled concept.OT makes COTS for SAP, Sales Force, and Success Factors. My company makes one for IBM Maximo. Answer Modules has a module that allows XECM for everything. So if you know your leading app what you need to do it must be possible.
When we started developing IBM Maximo we used the programming framework document and created our integration it was many times difficult and many times we de-compiled sources etc looked at SAP implementation and other things.OT provides a sample adapter(very sparse documentation) and if you spend hours on end you will be able to succeed.
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