@Stephan Baumann
@Dave Carpeneto
I have a module in which on installation I allocate a folder in OTHOME\TEMP\<MYMODULENAME>\myfile.txt
this was all fine and dandy until I started noticing this in my current version on service re-start I see all temp folders getting deleted and re-created. It is fine for OT products but I chose to store an important file in that xecmqellus .
Assuming this is a new change can someone confirm where I could store a file for persistence? I see webreports now doing what they need on appData.Or was this always the case in Oscript and maybe we just got lucky all along and never noticed this
All this extra file does is reveal the upload directory configured to a Java module so it can place the file to be uploaded there correctly. At the time of dev, I and my colleague settled on this design because there wasn't a way for the Java code to reach out to the connected database
Assuming we cannot change the way we source that info is there a way when a service restart occurs I can make my module recreate the file I see it remembers to create the folder… or should I recode to move to appData or is there some place on the file system one can do this…