Which keystore to import Active Directory SSL
Running OTDS 21.2
In OTDS admin console. the authentication handler with the Active Directory is configured to use port 636 and use ssl setting = true, refer to Capture.JPG screen shot
Where to import the SSL Certificate from the Active Directory server?
Is it in the Tomcat keystore in which OTDS 21.2 is deployed?
Or in the %JAVA_HOME%/lib/security/cacerts?
This is what the expert has advice on this topic
In OTDS Admin console, click Auth Handlers on the left hand panel.
Select the Active Directory SAML 2.0 Authentication Handler, click Action link, select Properties, click Parameters tab link, Identify the IdP Metadata URL to locate the folder location of the XML file which is configured.
Open this XML file, replace the content of all of <X509Data> tag with the PEM text provided by the colleague which provide the SSL certificate.
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