is there a way to use non ASCII characters for bullets?
An old client asked me to change one of the characters from a bulleted list for a 'white bullet' ( ◦ ).
It was necessary to use that symbol because screen readers read it as 'white bullet'.
In the View Character Set there is a similar one but it is the degree symbol which is read as 'degree' by screen readers…
So… is it possible to use a character bigger than 1 byte?
In principle you can use any character of any configured font, but obviously just in the 00-FF range. No Unicode.
You might want to add "Wingings" or something similar. But I doubt that a screen reader will know about that. This "circle" is still code "0xA1" and mapped to "inverted exclamation mark" in "Arial". And it is just an optical change. You will not get the "white bullet" Unicode-Character with it.
Would make up a good feature request. 👍️
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