CS returns an error when trying to create Сategories in the Properties.
It doesn't have any problems with General, Specific, Audit, References, Versions attributes in the Properties. Once I click on Categories it returns an error " Server did not respond". It happens with any type of file. Any suggestions where I can check why it might happen?
It would help if you increased logging on a specific server. This is an SOP.
- Isolate a server if multiple so that it is localized.
- Increase Thread logging and Connect (sql) logging .
- Stop this server service (process).
- Clear out the logs
- Start server and let it be stable as you can browse,add a file and so on.
- Create the fault.
- Look in the area called tracelogs you will see trace<nn> signifying which thread crashed. So get those 3 numbered logs to OT or if you know Oscript analyze it yourself.SDNR is an unhandled exception so if you got trace3 then thread3 will have a line saying creating trace3 and it has good info for support or Oscript knowing people.
If you want to debug it youself lt forum know we wil provide rudimentary thread analysis but not solutions:)
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Removing this checkmark partly solved the issue
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Yes, it was. It was mentioned in trace logs about activeview.
Frame: ProcessCategoriesTabOverride (1)
ObjRef: #bd014b0d (activeview::ActiveViewAPI).'ProcessCategoriesTabOverride' ,and that's what prompted us to check there. But I didn't find <nn> you were mentioning.
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Obviously one can only deduce so much with limited data but this seems unusual. The category property tab is one of the parts of classic content server that can be overridden so when you enter the property tab, the standard code fires a callback to ActiveView to allow it to implement an override, if one exists. These callbacks are made by calling specific functions from the ActiveViewAPI object. I believe this would be the "ProcessCategoriesTabOverride" function in this instance. At first glance of your snippet, the function it was trying to call, (presumably ProcessCategoriesTabOverride) doesn't exist, but pasting the first few lines of the top frame in the trace would be more useful as I can't think of a reason that this would happen.
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We are still trying to figure out what caused this issue.
ObjRef: #bd014b0d (activeview::ActiveViewAPI).?
Line: 0
NStkVal: 0
NLocals: 0
NArgs: 2
Args: <Arg 1> (1) = {}
Args: <Arg 2> (2) = 'fData'
Frame: ProcessCategoriesTabOverride (1)
ObjRef: #bd014b0d (activeview::ActiveViewAPI).'ProcessCategoriesTabOverride'
Line: 27
NStkVal: 11
NLocals: 8
NArgs: 2
Stack: <Reg 1> (1) = ?@appuq Override allows better customization from ActiveView.
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Not sure why, but in your original post showing the top frame, it looked completely different when I first looked at it. Not sure if you edited it or if I was dreaming but I didn't see ProcessCategoriesTabOverride in it.
Anyway, this is occurring in the ProcessCategoriesTabOverride. There is code that is getting hit because the override is enabled which is why you can avoid it when turning off that override.
Unfortunately, as I don't know which version you are looking at, I can't be sure that the code I can see is the same. around line 27 in my code, there is a reference to .fData being read, and on line 28 a reference to .fdata being written, but in the version of the code that I have, neither of these lines make sense as the culprits (IMHO) for various reasons.
As @appuq has said, you are probably best to report this to OT as they can spend the necessary time with the appropriate versions of Content Server to dig deeper. It's also possible that there is/was a patch for this.
I can say with some certainty that this isn't caused by a particular WebReport or ActiveView; however, this code is calling one of the sub-tags used by WebReports (CAT:RAW) to get all of the existing category data to be used if an ActiveView happens to override this tab. So technically this is ActiveView code, calling WebReports code, but is not directly the result of running an ActiveView or a WebReport.
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BTW to analyze a thread dump(SDNR) you need
the thread <nn>.log , connect<nn>.log and trace<nn>.log forget about the <nn> but in reality when the content server starts up on default 8 threads it is started as thread1.out all the way to thread8.out.When you restart the server this thread will be renamed thread1_1.out
the context discussion thread in case you are planning to learn this
I wrote a cheat document a long time when my login was different
This one is the official one(very old) but I believe it holds true as well.
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