Smart View Perspective Web Report

Hi all

Can anyone advise whether Parameters can be passed to a webreport which is on a Content Intelligence HTML webreport Perspective - from a URL?

I can do it in Classic view, but Smart View fails pass the parameters through.


Best Answer

  • Hans Stoop
    Hans Stoop E Member
    #2 Answer ✓

    Hi Damien,

    In a WebReport widget you can access the URL parameters with the tag [LL_REPTAG_ORIGINPARAMS /].

    In case you are on an older CS version, the original URL is available in the HTTP_REFERER, but you need parse the URL yourself. You access the HTTP_REFERER as [LL_REPTAG_&HTTP_REFERER /], basically as a parameter to the WebReport.



  • Hello Damien,

    I do not believe it is possible to pass parameters via the query string. The Smart UI truncates the query string and it will never make it to your WR.

    I recommend you take a look at this post:


    The other technique I have used to overcome the query string problem is local storage:

    First WR:
    localStorage.setItem("seq", seq);

    var subWrUrl = "[LL_REPTAG_URLPREFIXFULL /]/app/nodes/[LL_REPTAG_$EditDatesWRID /]"
    document.location = subWrUrl;

    Second WR:
    var seq = localStorage.getItem("seq");


    Hope this info assists you.


  • Hans Stoop
    Hans Stoop E Member
    #4 Answer ✓

    Hi Damien,

    In a WebReport widget you can access the URL parameters with the tag [LL_REPTAG_ORIGINPARAMS /].

    In case you are on an older CS version, the original URL is available in the HTTP_REFERER, but you need parse the URL yourself. You access the HTTP_REFERER as [LL_REPTAG_&HTTP_REFERER /], basically as a parameter to the WebReport.


  • Does that work for a webreport within a Perspective on a Smart View page?

  • Hi Damien, if your question is for me. What I wrote is only valid for Smart View and works especially for the WeBReport widgets.

  • Thanks Hans - that's great, although I don't appear to be getting the values from the assoc correctly. I have this sample URL


    In the webreport I am doing this

    [LL_REPTAG_ORIGINPARAMS ASSOC:"ProotFolderID" setvar:varrootFolderID /]
    [LL_REPTAG_ORIGINPARAMS ASSOC:"PreportName" setvar:varreportName /]
    [LL_REPTAG_ORIGINPARAMS ASSOC:"PlqlQuery" setvar:varlqlQuery /]

    Does that look correct?

  • I solved it, I needed a ? before params in URL. It works as required. Thanks Hans.

  • Great information Hans!