Error validating SAP token
I want to connect our SAP System with our xECM System via OTDS. I exported the SAP Token an imported it into OTDS for the SAPSSOEXT Auth Handler. When i'm starting the Diagnostic report in SAP, there is an error:
Encountered exception validating SAP Token. Details: MySapEvalLogonTicketEx failed: standard error= 5, ssf error= 27
The error occures in all the three Webservices ELS_OTDS, ELS_MEMBER and the ECm Service.
Another error is:
Check the OTDS REST API configuration. 401:Cannot get OTDS Ticket, because http status <> 200:
Check the Content Server REST API configuration. 401:Cannot get OTDS Ticket, because http status <> 200:
We have 2 Application Servers in our SAP, may this cause the error?
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