LPD is not supported. Is it possible to use IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) to receive the files?
Prince Kashwani
E Member
After installing the KB5040430 patch on Windows Server 2019, we are unable to receive input files/data from the source system.
Further analysis indicates that this issue is associated with a Windows Patch/Service pack. Microsoft has not provided a fix, and LPD support is absent (although it functions on 2019/2022 servers). IPP is the supported protocol.
As LPD is not supported Is it possible to use IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) in the future instead of the current LPD in Exstream/StreamServe to receive the files?
It appears that the following KB patches are responsible for the LPD issues:
KB5040430 - For server 2019
KB5040437 - For server 2022
More info and OS: https://msrc.microsoft.com/update-guide/en-US/vulnerability/CVE-2024-38027
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