Team developer 7.3 - PL/SQL Error in Windows 11
I have an application that calls a PL/SQL stored procedure in 2 locations in the same program. The executable works perfectly in Windows 10 with the same data set. However the TD throws an exception
SQL Error:
PL/SQL array vs.scalar mismatch, parameter #1.
Halt application?
Yes No
in Windows 11 in the second instance the SP is called. The parameter values are the same, since I use the same dataset when I run the executable in Windows 10 and Windows 11.
Any help is much appreciated.
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Thank you for posting.
The Developer community does not have a space or experts for the Gupta product line. Kindly go to My Support and post your inquiries into the support community.
Thank you for posting.
The Developer community does not have a space or experts for the Gupta product line. Kindly go to My Support and post your inquiries into the support community.
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Thank you Karen - have posted my queries to tech support.
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