option delete application in grey from control center
Hi everybody,
one of my customer had a cyber attack and we are helping them to restore their streamserve server (persuasion version), on control center I want to recreate an application because the old one does not connect. I can't do a delete application from the control center to make this service disappear : the delete option is grayed out even though the service is stopped. Where can I change an option to allow me to do this delete?
thanks for your help!
Best Answer
Hi there, I may be a little late to the party but have you checked that you are logged in as an Administrator?
This can be forced if necessary.
Also you could try to delete the service using command line tools. sc.exe and ss_scm.exe may be able to help you out. Check out the help material on these.
Good luck and let us know how it went.
Hi there, I may be a little late to the party but have you checked that you are logged in as an Administrator?
This can be forced if necessary.
Also you could try to delete the service using command line tools. sc.exe and ss_scm.exe may be able to help you out. Check out the help material on these.
Good luck and let us know how it went.
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