Enterprise Connect and Adobe Reader or Acrobat
When I navigate to a Word document in Extended ECM, in the functions menu I have the option 'Edit in Word'. When I click this, the document opens in Word, I can make changes, and update the document as a new version in Extended ECM.
When I navigate to a PDF document in Extended ECM, in the functions menu there is no option 'Edit in Acrobat'. However, I would like to open the document in Acrobat, add annotations and update the document as a new version in Extended ECM.
Is this possible?
I already found that I can add the option 'Edit in Desktop' to PDF files by going to Admin → Content Server Administration → Office Editor Settings → add 'application/pdf' to the Supported Documents.
However, when I edit a PDF document, add an annotation in Adobe Reader and close Adobe Reader, Adobe Reader asks me where to save the file. But in the window, it does not show Extended ECM in the recent folders. Therefore you have to choose 'Choose a Different Folder' and navigate all the way to Enterprise Connect, etc. etc.
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