Starting a Paused Job
I need to create a job definition with the following specifications:
I need to pause a job that will be generated from 5:00 PM. Then these paused jobs should automatically resume at 3 AM the next day. Note these pausing and resuming of the job should only happen on a particular day of the month.
I have already the step where it will check the date and the time. I just needed to have that step where the paused job will automatically resume. I have tried the elapsed time but it's computing the resumption of the job from the job was paused.
Any suggestion on how to do it?
If you have the AnswerModules Module Suite, it’s particularly easy to interact with external jobs or create your own that behaves exactly as you described. What you need to do is create a Content Script to act as a job orchestrator or set it up as a recurring job containing the necessary logic.
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