Content server 24.1
Hey everyone, appreciate to know what is the EOL for Content server 24.1
If you meant End of Life all that 24.1 means is that software was released on 24 first quarter.OTCS is not a simple software like your phone app if you upgrade to 24.2 it may contain fixes you are supposed to test it.As a matter of fact customers are still running OTCS 10 which is probably 10-12 years old.
If you get the latest and greatest, it may contain fewer bugs, but that is only true as more and more people test it and find other bugs. So many companies have a policy of choosing N-1 of OT software.
If you are a partner making OT OTCS products(like us), we must qualify our product every quarter.
There is also an excel spreadsheet that shows when and how OT will actually sunset old (really old) versions, I cannot find it but if you asked support they will send it to you.
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