Security Team reported Vulnerability Remediation in Operations Bridge Manager week ciphers
Hi Team,
I am using the Operations Bridge Manager, security team reported RC4 issue you have week ciphers
OBM version: 2020.10
—Configuration file——
SSLProtocol -all +TLSv1.2
SSLOpenSSLConfCmd Curves P-256:P-384:P-521
-Could you please assist how can I fix this issue and confirm how can we update strong ciphers ?
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Thanks for posting. We have not yet merged all community discussions with our Micro Focus acquisition. Please post to this community for Operation Bridge:
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Thanks I posted the same question in given community thanks Karen Weir
Thanks for posting. We have not yet merged all community discussions with our Micro Focus acquisition. Please post to this community for Operation Bridge:
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Thanks I posted the same question in given community thanks Karen Weir
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