Upscaling resolution question
Best Answer
We added that option for those that have issues with TIFF images that have asymmetric resolutions. In our case, the only supported resolution that is asymmetric is low resolution (200x100 dpi). So basically, when you enable the upscaleImage option, it will upscale the TIFF image to a symmetric resolution before returning it to the caller. Concretely, this only apply to low resolution TIFF images (200x100 → 200x200), all our other supported resolutions are symmetric.
We added that option for those that have issues with TIFF images that have asymmetric resolutions. In our case, the only supported resolution that is asymmetric is low resolution (200x100 dpi). So basically, when you enable the upscaleImage option, it will upscale the TIFF image to a symmetric resolution before returning it to the caller. Concretely, this only apply to low resolution TIFF images (200x100 → 200x200), all our other supported resolutions are symmetric.
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