D2- Open PDFs in local Acrobat rather then using in-built viewer
We are using D2-Smartview 24.2 which comes with in-built viewer to open PDF documents.
Is there a way to allow D2 to open PDFs in local acrobat on the users machine.
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Brian Dinneen
Documentum Designated Support EngineerIt is at least 15 years since I did Webtop development, but as there are still development requests ...
When developing something new, I searched for something similar in webtop, to see how that was put together.
When I was a Webtop developer I created a source code reference from:
- unzip webtop.war
- decompile the java in from webtop war
unzip the unstripped.jar from webtop war
- It is easier to read and use well formatted and commented code
unzip wdk.war over above
- again It is easier to read and use well formatted and commented code
unzip any source code from wdk.war
There are development and reference guides, but nothing beats source code.
Documentation and software (wars files and patches) can be downloaded from product pages in support portal
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