issue while sending emails

Shwea E New User

Hi all We are facing an issue while sending emails. We are using external jar to send emails and not using OT provided email sending functionality So, to send emails we will send all the parameters in a command which will execute jar and email will be sent. In the email we have 3 attachments out of which 1 is static and other 2 are generated from communication builder but sometimes the physical pdf on file system are generated late and email sending command is triggered first and email is not sent as the attachment to be sent in email are missing. Is there any way we can ensure that pdf is always present in the system before the email triggering jar is executed and email never fails.

Exstream version: 16.2.


  • Vyv
    Vyv Member

    Hi there,

    I would decouple the rendering phase and the transmission phase entirely. Have one service only focus on the actual generation and another to read an input list of attachments (to wait for) and a mail definition (and body etc) to be able to create a useful email.

    Then you can choose how to handle attachments that turn up late or not at all without affecting the content generation.

    Then you can add multi-threading and really get some speed up if you need to.

    A correlation ID is useful here throughout so that you can always turn on some telemetry should you need it.

    Good luck!