XMFax Cloud - Dithered text on pages with images
We are sending a document that includes a client's logo on the first page.
On that first page, all the text is rendered in grayscale almost, clearly dithered when you zoom in. Numbers are almost illegible as a result, especially after printing on an actual fax machine.
On the other pages that are text-only, the text is full black, crisp, and clearly visible.
These two images are taken from successive pages on the same faxed document output. Nothing is different about the font, scale, etc. When viewed as the original PDF, there is no such difference in quality.
When sending the fax using C#, the resolutionSpecified is set to true and resolution is set to "High".
What can be done to prevent the dithering of text on pages with images?
To help us understand, can you please download the fax as PDF from the web client, so that we can see the actual full pages result? Can you also please send us the source attachment/image files submitted so that we can try to reproduce. If those contain confidential data, maybe you could send us a test version with non-confidential data. Thanks!
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