Confg OTDS Server for MFA – SameSite=None

Wowk Member

Hey, I’m running Content Server 24.4 and OTDS 24.4.

I am trying to setup MFA using a MS Azure SAML 2.0 auth handler. Our HTTPS certs are managed by our networking team on a separate proxy server. This means that all the internal traffic is only http(port 80). Because of this configuration, we are losing the SameSite=None;Secure and the authentication is failing. Does anyone know if it is possible to force OTDS Server(TomCat 10.1) to write the SameSite-None to the cookie/header. Sorry I don’t know the correct terminology. Or is the only option to move the cert locally to the OTDS server?



  • I think the only solution is to configure an apache/nginx in front of your tomcat 10.1, and modify there the headers on apache/nginx configuration